Monday 14 February 2011


This photo reminds me so much about the past and my sense of family. It was taken in the 70's when I was about 14 years old and I am standing with my brothers and cousins outside in their garden in Wiltshire. I think we were en route to our usual sunny holiday in the Channel Islands. I am standing next to my best friend and the funny thing is that we fell out later on that summer because she fancied my older brother (not in the photo) and they had a fling on holiday.  I never forgave her!! Anyway, I love this photo because it reflects a time of innocence. There was plenty of boisterous rivalry between us but we were all connected as brothers and sisters, cousins and dogs (of course!). I was beginning to feel a little more sophisticated as a teenager but I was still very much enveloped in the rough and tumble of family life. I'm nostalgic about those days because I felt I belonged to a happy tribe and it felt good.

This sense of belonging is part of what I'm trying to explore in my blog. I feel it's very important to feel that you belong somewhere or with someone. Sometimes it feels like I'm completely alone and battling with the obstacles thrown in my path. And then I can meet someone, or get involved in something, which makes me feel it's all worthwhile and I feel part of something bigger than just myself. I love this feeling. It can be after a great conversation with a friend, or after I've just cooked a lovely meal and everyone's enjoyed it. The list goes on and on...

Maybe I'm feeling optimistic that Spring is round the corner. Winter has gone on for long enough and I want to feel happy again.

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